The 99 Project

The 99 Project is very personal and important to the Mathenys. Spending money for fun is difficult to do when you are facing months off of work, and you have a sick child who needs daily medical care and attention.

Mental health and memories are still important.

Therefore, Team Landon Clay Foundation would like to send $199 (99 was Landon’s jersey number) to any family in the United States battling a DIPG diagnosis. This money is meant to have fun! We want families to take the $199 and do something just because they want to.

Landon’s favorites were Chuck E. Cheese, Main Event, and the zoo.

Families have so much to worry about, and spending money to have fun shouldn’t be one of them.

Do you know of a family who could benefit from the 99 Project? Please share their information below.

The 99 Project Request Form