DIPG/DMG Research Funding Allinace

Team Landon Clay Foundation proudly invested in the DIPG/DMG Research Funding Alliance (DDRFA) as a founding member.

DDRFA is formed to singularly focus on advances for the deadliest childhood cancer DIPG/DMG. Together with over fifty members, we commit to funding innovative research, access to trials, data integration, and utilization for DIPG/DMG. While members may fund research outside this targeted alliance, the work of DDRFA seeks to place strategic investments when and where necessary to bring advances in treatment, eradication, diagnosis, and prevention of DIPG/DMG. DDRFA’s Medical Advisory Council (MAC) guides our investments and challenges grantees by incentivizing patient-centered collaboration and sharing of information to speed the pace of discovery. DDRFA is powered by groups of passionate people who, like Team Landon Clay Foundation, know all too well that lives depend on us.

We know DIPG/DMG won’t wait.

We’re proud to partner with over 50 other families and foundations to support strategic investments for DIPG/DMG research!