Lace Up for Landon Color Run 2023

Saturday, October 28, 2023

533 registered runners, 80 volunteers, 432 checklists (maybe not that many), an AMAZING list of sponsors, no rain (Praise the Lord!), lots of color, and $25,300 raised together for Team Landon Clay Foundation, which is simply incredible.

With this money, we will continue to help fund research grants, which gets us a step closer to no parents ever being told what we were told again. We will continue helping families nationally that have a child fighting DIPG. We will continue to help kids locally who are fighting significant illness or injury and continue Landon’s Toy Box at Baptist Memorial Hospital in Union City, Tennessee.

Check out all four albums of pictures on our Facebook page by clicking the link below!

Team Landon Clay Foundation | Facebook


Lace Up for Landon Color Run 2022